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- don't panic BUT—retrograde is here
don't panic BUT—retrograde is here
don't panic BUT -- retrograde is here

YOU GUYS. How's everyone doing out there? I've been soaking up the start of fall in New England (I forgot how magical it is), cuddling up in my new sheets (I can't handle the cuteness), and listening to a lot of Vanessa Carelton - which in itself should tell you everything you need to know about where I'm at (lol).
But today I'm really excited to feature my dear friend Holly (self proclaimed witch / astrology enthusiast) who is gracing us with some MUCH appreciated intel on the current Mercury Retrograde. (ICYMI, Mercury entered retrograde on Monday, September 27th and ends on October 18th. So buckle up!)
Holly is sharing a bit about her background with all things mystical, giving us a rundown on what the heck is going on right now (it explains A LOT), and some things to think about as we collectively navigate the next few weeks.
THANK YOU, HOLLY! Take it away <3

The Witchside —hosted by Holly Wampler aka @hollywamp // @themoodyjudy
My Witchy Journey
I’ve ALWAYS been interested in the esoteric and the occult from a young age. I was always very intuitive and always loved reading books about fantasy and magic. I even wrote an astrology column for my final project at a creative writing camp when I was 13.
But it wasn’t until I was 19 that my journey as a spiritual person REALLY began. During the summer of 2014 between my freshman and sophomore year of college, I went to a tarot reader for the first time and my world was cracked wide open. Among the MANY things she saw on my path that came to pass (like a rekindling of a romantic relationship!), she predicted that I would come into my most powerful spiritual and psychic peak when I was 25. And she was right.
But I’ve always been a pretty serious, grounded person (shoutout to my Capricorn moon!), so I always really struggled to embrace my “witchy” side and see my interest in astrology, tarot, and magic as legitimate or something I was proud of. I never wanted this unconventional side of me to present like I was disconnected from reality.
But the good news is that astrology and tarot is something that CAN be integrated into your life no matter if you’re a wandering free spirit with crystals in your bra or if you’re a by-the-book corporate queen grounded in data driven decision making.
The key thing to remember with both tarot and astrology is that nothing is concrete or guaranteed.
For tarot, it represents the path you’re currently on and the potential outcomes based on your current choices.
For astrology, it represents a set of conditions under which an event could happen and how it might unfold.
We as humans have free will and we can make choices that can change our identities, paths, and destinies at any given time. Nothing is good or bad -- just favorable and unfavorable, and there’s always tools to work through anything.
Personally, I like to utilize both astrology and tarot as tools for self-reflection and loose guides for things to think about or focus on. In the case of astrological events like the Mercury Retrograde happening in Libra right now, I like to be aware of the energy and WORK with the flow of the energetic current rather than AGAINST it.
Mercury Retrograde Breakdown
We are in the third (and final!) Mercury Retrograde of 2021, which will be in effect from September 26th to October 18th.
Allow your new astrology bestie to break it down for you -- In the case of astrological events, I like to explain it like there’s THE THING and THE CONTEXT. The thing is the actual event itself and the context is all about the conditions under which it’s happening. Both are incredibly important in truly understanding wtf is going on.
THE THING: Mercury is the planet that rules over communication and getting shit done, and retrograde means that a planet temporarily moves backwards. So, as you can imagine, when the planet the rules over so much of our everyday lives changes course, shit starts to get a little wonky and it benefits us to be a lilllll extra cautious. If you have Gemini, Virgo, or Libra in your big three (aka your Sun, Moon, and Rising), you might be feeling this one a littttllleee bit more because Mercury rules over Gemini and Virgo and this cosmic event is happening in Libra szn. Needless to say, as a Libra rising, I’m dramatically sighing and preparing my chic fainting couch.
THE CONTEXT: Now, this is the important part. Because the other planets and aspects that surround the event can contextualize it for us to understand what energy is at play, and it also can sweeten or sour a cosmic event. This particular Merc Rx is squaring Pluto, which creates a bit of a fiery confrontation with the planet of transformation, subversion, and all things mysterious and hidden.
When Plutonian energy comes into play, whatever is in darkness tends to come to light. Social and balanced Libra softens the spicy energy of this Merc Rx, but expect some truths around your friendships, social circles, and even relationships to reveal themselves.
My Mercury RX Prescription
All of the same standard Mercury Retrograde advice applies -- Don’t text your ex when they reach out (because THEY WILL). Don’t get a spontaneous haircut. Expect travel hiccups. Expect technology glitches. Expect some plans or appointments to get cancelled. If possible, avoid having tough conversations and wait until the energy is more conducive to productive communication.
Retrogrades tend to press replay on our lives, so pay special attention to what thoughts, feelings, and patterns surface for a second examination ( or third, or fourth…..) Now is the time to meditate on these things and take action after you’ve been thoughtful about how to re-examine or re-approach (and after Mercury stations direct again lol)
Working with the Plutonian and Libra energy at play, think about areas in your life where you might be losing balance due to repeating patterns or upholding frameworks that don’t serve you, especially in your relationships.

As a lil gift from me to you in these trying retrograde times, I pulled a special tarot spread for Bogs’ Brightside community to channel more insight for all you beautiful people.
I actually LOLed when showing Bogs these cards. They literally jumped out of my deck and they SCREAM Libra szn with the literal patron Libra card from the deck (Justice) and strong cups cards (allll about love & relationships!).
My dear Brightside readers, this particular Mercury Rx will be especially fruitful for you all in your love lives and relationships. With the Ace of Cups (literally THE love manifestation card) and Justice reversed paired together, there are some roadblocks and uncomfortable truths preventing you from getting what you truly want in your relationships. Some uncomfortable truths will likely come to light in this retrograde season that you’ll need to sit with and fully process -- Where have you avoided accountability? Where have you let others avoid accountability at your expense? Where has your inner critic thrown you off balance? What old frameworks are you using in decision making that no longer serve who you are today and the person you want to be?
In processing these emotions to release these blocks, lean into the balanced and compassionate energy from the King of Cups. The King of Cups is all about striking the perfect balance between heart and intellect, so lean into all the processing we talked about to restore your balance. Be honest about where you’ve been fair and unfair to yourself as well as others. If you choose to work with this energy, it feels like this will be a very key time for you to discover the unlocks needed in nurturing the kind of love in your life that you truly deserve.
If you’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the hiccups this cosmic event is causing, engage in some activities to help feel product or to help you regain balance. Take a walk without your phone. Color code your closet. Take a nap. Spend an absurd amount of money on organization crates from HAY (ahem, me and Bogs). Write a list of things you’re grateful for. Wash your sheets. Make a vision board. Do small things on your to do list. Binge read vintage Brightside editions. Clean your room. Call a friend. THANK YOU SO MUCH, HOLLY GIRL!

Tell me this isn't the most brightside-y towel you've ever seen
