The Brightside Vol 4

The Brightside Vol 4

February 4th, 2020


Where Do You Go To My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt

Yeah, yeah, I know ...

I missed a few weeks. And it's a random Tuesday. I KNOW. I'm back! Not that there's an excuse for neglecting this fun thang, but I’ve been pretty busy with work between getting advertisers ready for the SuperBowl and working on a new 20% project that’s all about Product Inclusion and how Google's Ads products can be more accessible.

Product Inclusion is all about making products/experiences accessible to everyone and the more I research, the more excited I am to keep learning about it. It’s such an important thing!!! The project itself is still being structured, but it’s something that has me really excited to go to work. So, yay <3

How’s your mind today? How’s your mind today? I listened to an interview that Oprah hosted with Lady Gaga recently (Super Soul Conversations anyone?!), and in this interview she talked about “radical acceptance” and how it’s her first step in dealing with anxiety/trauma/etc. The concept really struck me. Once you accept what’s going on around you, it makes it easier to be like “OK, let’s do this. Let's solve the problem solve.” So when I feel anxiety creeping in (which is like, ALL THE TIME) I try to just state the facts of what’s going on, and then decide how to react. Everything’s a practice, but this one feels pretty good right now. (Found the interview on the Super Soul Conversations podcast page on Spotify!)

Recent HIGH: spending last Monday with Jody Lynn

Sweet Jody Lynn, our queen. She was visiting my cousins in Astoria a few Sundays ago and we both decided to take Monday off for a date day. We started out with coffee in the Seaport then went to The Met - we got there right when it opened, and let me tell you - that place on a Monday morning is fucking heaven.

My favorite exhibit was Modern Marvels - lots of medieval science tools, astronomy instruments, just really cool stuff (and in my opinion pretty different than what I usually expect to see when I'm going to an art museum!). My 13 year old self that went to sleep away math & science camp (flex) was REALLY about it. HIGHLY RECOMMEND, NYC PEEPS!

General low: Having a hard time with confidence

I’m not sure why but in the past few weeks my confidence has been missing in action. Things at work have been busy and good, but for some reason I’ve been having a really hard time taking ownership of things and being able to say, yeah, that went well, or yeah, I’m proud of that. I keep finding myself really anxious in 1-1s with my boss (who is legit the nicest person in the world) and feeling major imposter syndrome. VERY FRUSTRATING! Listening to lots of Oprah’s old interviews is helping for sure, but I still know I need to make affirmations or something a more regular part of my routine. Anyone else know what I’m talking about? Any tips?

Well peeps, that's really all I got right now. If I learned anything over the past few weeks, it's that .... Making time for this is really imporant to me! It brings me so much joy typing all this stuff out, even if it's kinda silly. Not making time for it made me feel really off, so trying to get more consistent again.

how was your week? tell me all about it :)

all my love and more,


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