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- The Brightside: You hanging in there?
The Brightside: You hanging in there?
The Brightside: You hanging in there?

Hi, friends. This is a tough sanity check to write because to be honest, I’m truly just hanging in there. Some of you may have had the privilege to know my dear friend Anna-Christina, who has been battling brain cancer for the past 2 & ½ years... after a long and fierce battle, she’s decided to stop treatment and spend the rest of her time here on earth on a road trip with her family—visiting Culver, where we met at boarding school, and eventually landing at her family’s home in Colorado, where she’ll spend her remaining time earth-side surrounded by her extended family. I am so extremely fortunate that I had the chance to say goodbye to her in-person this week—but it’s been surreal, and so hard.
There aren’t words to describe what it's like to go visit a friend knowing it’s the last time. Seriously, there just aren’t. But we had a beautiful visit—we laughed, we cried, we hugged forever, and for that I am so thankful. I’ll share more on Anna-Christina’s beautiful life and ferocious journey in coming newsletters, but if you have thoughts or prayers to spare, keep her in your heart - and text your BFF to tell them you love them. <3 A few pics from pre-pandemic visits below.

This is totally switching gears, but: are you ever in a situation where you have to grade your own homework, or do a self-assessment of some kind? I ask because on my last day of coaching a few weeks ago, Imari asked me what grade I'd give myself for my work during our time together. I said B+. When I was done explaining the grade, the first thing he did was point out that instead of listing all of the good things I'd done to deserve my B+, I listed all of the reasons it wasn't an A. It’s been on my mind ever since!
Zach will catch me grading myself like this, too—for things as “simple” as making dinner or as “big” as coming off a work meeting and immediately listing all of the things that I could have done “better.” I’m always quick to criticize my own performance, but rarely pat myself on the back for a job well done.
I’ve said this before, but despite running a newsletter called "The Brightside" my default mental state is actually pretty harsh. I think it’s important to confess that it often takes me a while to get to The Brightside. In fact, that’s a huge reason why I started this—putting this out into the world actually really helps me see the positive in a situation, or learn from it in some way.
Do you notice a similar trend in your internal dialogue? Have you established any practices that help you see the good stuff first? I’d love to know - seriously, hit me up.

I caved and took an Enneagram test this week. I’m a 7, which explains a lot, but also—ouch!!! Have you taken the test?? Tell me what you are!
The other night, I had a dream about the late, great, Mama Cax and I haven’t been able to stop thinking of her.
I often find myself cringing at younger versions of myself, and this Rob Bell quote really resonated with me.
I really want to try and make these scallion pancakes!
I loved this article from The Good Trade on creating a spiritual practice, whether or not you’re religious.
Joanna is launching a private mentoring series focused on growing your brand! Check it out!
I’m very excited to try this retinol alternative that Sam recommended - you know I went all out for the Sephora sale.
Our stay at The Rockaway a few weekends ago totally lived up to the hype. We will definitely be going back!
Lastly, my friend Fran is finishing up Yoga Teacher Training and hosting her first class this Sunday at 11am EST! If you’re looking for a way to feel good, send her a DM and you can join!

And to end things on a high note—I am SO EXCITED to announce the launch of my website, brightsidebogs.com! This is going to eventually include an archive of old newsletters, fun community spotlights, and more. Please check it out, and if you feel so inclined—spread the good word!

A lover of all things prep, I’m lusting over this multicolored rugby.
